Welcome on sofmmoo.org
The website of
The French Society of
Orthopaedic and Osteopathic
Manual Medicine
our Anatomic section
to our foreign visitors on www.sofmmoo.com. SOFMMOO means French Society of
Orthopaedic and Osteopathic Manual Medicine. We are a scientific society the
membership of which is restricted to MDs, but this website may interest any
back care provider, although it is not designed for a more general public. Our
visitors are coming from French speaking countries for 40%, and from the US
for another 40%. Presently (November 2004), we receive 7 to 8OO visitors a day.
complicated name of our society is a tribute payed to our roots. First, our
members are all MDs practising manual medicine. This means that they use manual
treatments, beside more classical ones (such as drugs, injections, physiotherapy
or surgery) to treat their patients. A manual treatment is comprised of mobilisations,
muscle energy technics and thrust manipulations. They use these maneuvers to
treat back pain, pain referred from the spine and some forms of pain from peripheric
joints, provided the lesion involved is purely "mechanical" (i.e.
there is no inflammatory component). These technics are osteopathic in origin,
but our approach is different and refers to "Orthopaedic Medicine",
a route opened by Cyriax in Britain and by Robert Maigne in France, who founded
the SOFMMOO in 1965.
Maigne (born 1923), is a MD who, after specialising in rheumatology, spent one
year in London (UK) in 1950, to learn osteopathy. One of his teacher was Myron
Beal, a worldwide known osteopath. Back in France, he worked ten years in a
private setting and progressively gave up traditional osteopathy before publishing
his first book on spinal pain syndromes and their treatments by manipulations.
The book was prefaced by Pr de Sèze, a prominent French rheumatologist
reknown for his studies on the intervertebral disc, common sciatica and back
pain. Manipulations were thus introduced into the medical world at a time where
they were regarded by many as a doubtful modality of treatment, and when they
were only a handful of manual practitionners.
the following years, Robert Maigne described what he considered to be the basic
painful lesion of the vertebral motion segment, the "Painful Minor Intervertebral
Dysfunction" (PMID, or DIM in French), often accompanied by palpable changes
in the soft tissues of the corresponding metamere ("cellulomyalgic syndrome").
He also described many vertebral syndromes related to common pain: headache
of cervical origin, interscapular pain of cervical origin, costal sprains, and
low back pain arising from the thoracolumbar junction, now widely known as the
"Maigne's syndrome". Some of his basic papers in English are on this
website. He put a strong emphasis on the role of the cutaneous dorsal rami and
was the first to ascertain the role of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar facets
in common pain, on the basis of anesthetic injections, four years before the
publication by Mooney and Robertson. He succeded in establishing a universitary
diploma of orthopaedic medicine in 1969, in which a large span of time was devoted
to manual techniques. After all, his main achievements was to find out a logical
basis for painful spinal syndromes, far from the concepts of "hypomobility"
and "holistic medicine" and to have made the spinal manipulations
part of the conservative management of the spinal pain patients.
authored two other medical books, the last one in 1989, translated in English
and published in 1996 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain of Vertebral Origin,
A Manual Medicine Approach. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, now out of stock).
There is an interview with him in English at Maîtrise
practices Manual Medicine in France? |
France, manual medicine is practised by GPs, rheumatologists and physiatrists.
This specialty is taught in the majotity of our medical schools (state owned
universities of medicine), as a specific university diploma, in two years. Beside
the school of Robert Maigne, there is another medical school, more directed
to traditional osteopathy, but without a universitary basis. A figure of 2000
MDs practising manual medicine is widely accepted.
A law passed in 2002 legalizes chiropractic and osteopathy teached in private
SOFMMOO works as any scientific society in the medical field. We run an annual
congress, a journal (the Revue de Médecine Vertébrale) and seminars
for post-graduates. We also put forward recommendations of good practice. From
1988 to 2000, we also ran an International Course opened to foreign MDs. The
course was run in English and lasted two weeks. It gave us the opportunity to
meet doctors from all over the world and to spread our approach of vertebral
SOFMMOO is a fonding member of the FIMM, the International Federation of Manual
Medicine. The SOFMMOO is involved in the different comitees of the FIMM and
acts as an active member of this federation.